This fact-checking movie about the spread of a deadly virus, may just have predicted the global disaster of coronavirus. In addition to the animated show The Simpsons, this movie released in 2011, discussed similar events to the world’s current situation.
Since the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 has killed over 3000 people, and numbers don’t cease to increase. As the lethal disease keeps on spreading rapidly, with symptoms that only start to appear two weeks after the infection. Here is what the movie ”Contagion” predicted about Coronavirus.
The Movie Plot of Contagion
Gwyneth Paltrow plays the role of patient 0, or the person responsible for the spread of the virus. Following her business trip to China, she starts feeling sick, but believe sit’s a simple cold. However, just few days later, she suffers a seizure and dies under the shock of doctors unable to figure out the reason behind her death.
Furthermore, the movie illustrates the struggle facing governments to control the spread of the disease. Obviously, secrecy was one of the main issues, which caused media to speculate and eventually frighten the people.
Similarities With Covid19

Since the outbreak of Corona few months ago, the numbers have been alarmingly on the rise. Furthermore, the core of the movie was to show that simple mistakes can come at a great cost. Both the virus in the movie as well as coronavirus, share the fact that they are highly contagious. In addition, in both cases also, people’s panic amid the declaration of an emergency state, show how individuals can be a lead cause of the spread of such viruses.
What Does The Movie Tell Us Exactly?

The main message of the movie Contagion is quite clear. In fact, it addresses the issue of state secrets affecting the public. Just like in reality, various doctors had warned that coronavirus was threatening, yet China ignored their ”cry for help” under the excuse that those were state secrets and shouldn’t frighten the public with them. If anything, China could’ve been able to have better control of the crisis that started in Wuhan, before it was too late.
Secondly, the main origin of the virus in the movie was through the interaction of two animals, that were forced out of their habitat, and brought up to China’s markets under not-very-legal conditions. Moreover, many experts argue that coronavirus originates from wild animals. Markets in China are known to be trafficking with wild animals to make more money. As a consequence, the movie illustrates exactly what happens to the public when governments handle crisis badly.
Photos: Pixabay.