These celebrity challenges became a major hit these days in quarantine. In fact, famous people from all over the world challenged their fans to do it in order to kill time at home. This series of challenge though, came through the social platform TikTok. This Chinese-owned social video-sharing app allows you to shoot, edit and share videos with filters, music, animation, special effects, and more.
After posting them, and just like any other social media app, you get to receive views, followers and likes. Currently, TikTok can be considered the fastest-growing online platform, as people are using it to kill time at home while having some fun, and interacting with the outside world.
Oh NaNa Challenge
The Oh nana challenge is widely associated to the outbreak of Coronavirus. Many celebrities promote the challenge only to encourage people to self-isolate, by giving them some fun things to do at home. Basically, following the sound of the Brazilian song, and sometimes you can have a partner to perform this dance with.
Millions of users joined the movement, and some of those videos skyrocketed views. Although there are different versions in different countries, either way this is one of the fun challenges to kill time at home, and move a bit.
Toilet Paper Challenge
Probably the one similar thing that all people seemed to do across the world. Since the news of Coronavirus and state-imposed confinement made headlines, supermarkets were instantly emptied from toilet paper. People raced not to get food and essentials, but stocked toilet paper like there’s no tomorrow.
Celebrities on the other hand, made use of this to create a football-related challenge. it consists of doing at least 10 juggles without dropping the toilet paper. Football icons such as Leo Messi, Sergio Ramos and even basketball players like Luka Doncic gave it a try on social media. While some were successful in doing more than 10, others were not that lucky.
And Of Course, The TiK Tok Challenge
Of course, how can we not mention the one challenge that started it all? the Tik Tok challenge that first made the app famous. In addition to thousands of people uploading their content, celebrities also gave it a try, although it’s more of a millennial activity. Nevertheless, wether you do it on your own, or teach you mom to do it, you will still have a great time doing these challenges to kill time at home.
Photos: Instagram, Youtube.