If you have been on the internet these past few days, then you definitely know about the #Chairchallenge. The whole world is going crazy over it! Although it seems like a simple, super easy thing to do, men are unable to do it.
The chair Challenge has gone viral, because everyone is trying to figure out the answer to why are men unable to do it?
The Chair Challenge Summed Up
Although the chair challenge existed for a long time, the social media site TikTok was the first to show it. It basically asks you to stand facing the wall, then take three footsteps back and grab a chair. After that, try to bend over with the chair then lift it to your chest. Make sure to be keeping your head against the wall the whole time. At the end, stand up straight with the chair in your hands and against your chest.
Men vs. Women
At first, men being unable to do it, thought that it was a joke. However, after multiple tries worldwide, we came to the conclusion that almost no man is able to do the chair challenge. On the other hand, in the videos uploaded all over the internet, women seemed to have no problem with it. In fact, they even can do it quite smoothly and effortlessly.
The Science Behind It
Luckily, there is an actual explanation to this challenge pitting men against women. US scientist Jeremy Johnson explains that women have a natural advantage. In a post on Educational Innovations, he claimed that it all has to do with the center of mass for men vs. women.
Furthermore, Professor Brian Ford at Cambridge University agreed that women do have a lower center of gravity than men. However, he argued that the reason men are unable to do the chair challenge, is mainly because their feet are longer and therefore, they can’t be as close to the wall like women can.
Photos: Pixabay, Youtube, Giphy