Jimmy Fallon is known for providing us plenty of belly laughs with his crazy videos with guest stars on The Tonight Show. Never one to back down a challenge, he and his recent guest Kate Upton decided to take on old 80s dance moves. The duo made sure to dress the part as they copied dances from aerobic videos in this hilarious video.
80s Fitspiration
In the age of Social Media, many individuals have earned a blue check next to their name with fitness instagram accounts. Millions of people follow fitness trainers like Kayla Itsines and Jeanette Jenkins to attempt their heart-pumping workout routines. While it might seem a modern concept, getting in a sweat session to workout videos was a fad that took off in the 80s. Jazzercise and other dance workouts by 80s legends such as Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons were sure to get their audience moving in a colorful, crazy way. What better way to commemorate these memorable exercises than through a joint aerobic dance challenge?
A Color Coordinated Duo

If it’s one thing that stands out about fashion from the 80s, its the bright colors. Jimmy Fallon and Kate Upton knew they couldn’t properly recreate an 80s aerobic dance challenge without an outfit that suited. The two were decked out in headbands, leotards, scrunchies, and leggings of all different colors and prints that made viewers take an instant trip back in time.
A Modern Day Twist

The dance moves that the two performed were beyond ridiculous. It’s no wonder these didn’t make it to the 21st century! However, there were some similarities to some of the dance fads of today. Upton at one point commented, “That’s kind of like the Eighties version of the dab.” After their individual routines, the two then joined forces to attempt some partner routines. In reality there should have been a “don’t try this at home” warning, for some moves just looked outright dangerous! This challenge is definitely not for those who are lacking in the coordination department.
80s Flashdance
Naturally, Fallon and Upton’s routine could not truly be complete without attempting the famous “Flashdance” scene, even using real water. Upton, being a professional model, knew exactly how to pose her body for the scene. Whereas Jimmy... well he tried.

Photos: Youtube The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon