1. Make a sourdough starter

Many countries are experiencing isolation and lots of people went crazy and started making bread at home, but yeast has become one hard to find ingredient due to this circumstance. Why not starting your own sourdough mix. As long as you have flour and bread you’re ready.
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
2. Clean a thing a day

Ok, let’s be realistic, unless you are a cleaning freak (respect), the odds points that you are probably spending more time being a couch potato rather than tyding anything at home. We know. Sad times don’t help to get in the mood. But you can try small projects, one at a day. Just spend 5-10 each day fixing a small thing, tyding up a kitchen drawer, sweep one room, doing the dishes but just for 10′. You’ll get a bigger feel of achievment rather than burn yourself in a Big F*** Cleaning Quest. Leave Spring Clean for when the real spring freedom comes.
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
3. Do some exercise, but only some, yeah

Am I the only one tiiiired of everyone uploading their workouts? It takes a world for me to start doing exercise… but when it comes to this days, it’s really kind of mandatory to stay healthy, and exercise maybe a little bit. There is a loooot of workout plans out there, aim humble goals, if you haven’t worked out for a long time or maybe ever (raising hand here) take things slowly but steady.
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
4. Read something you would never read before

Ok, maybe you are not a reader, but it applies too. Get out of your comfort zone regarding your choice of books. Are you a Potterhead? Then, why not to start reading some true crime? Historical novels are your thing? Give a shot to some chicklit. Mistery is your thing? Try some Fantasy like Tolkien…
Making a change sometimes opens and widespread our minds.
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
5. Try a new recipe

It can be a disaster or a win win, nevertheless, try something new to cook. The greatest quest for this could be: Try a new recipe with things you already have in your fridge and pantry… Cool, and tricky. You could also dust off some forgotten appliances like the waffle maker, the ice cream maker o that George Foreman’s grill that is laughing at you everytime you open that closet. Give it a shot. You can also involve your kids… It would be a mess, probably, but worth it.
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
6. Play videogames

Sometimes it can be really hard to get rid of some thoughts, and being isolated does not help at all. If you feel depressed or sad about the current situation (if you are because of other things, this won’t help you much more than a temporary parch) sometimes a videogame can help you to evade and gain some emotional distance. Your brain gets working on something totally unrelated and can let out some mental pressure.
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
7. Do some exercise, WITH VIDEOGAMES

Oh, what a time to be alive... If you are any kind of person but me, this is quite an investment. Videogames can bring out your competitive self and if it itchs yourself being challenged this could be a really good way of getting some exercise. Nintendo Switch, Playstation and Xbox just to name a few have some titles fitness related, ranging from boxing, to dancing, yoga and even adventures… Technology sometimes can help you to move your butt.
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
8. Plant some bean seeds

Yeah, yeah, that kind of seeds, no, not that ones… That ones… well. Bean sprouting can also be more than an enjoyable activity for children, it can provide you some fresh sprouts that can top up your diet. Plant some chickpeas or lentils on soil or damp cotton and wait for it to sprout and grow, in one or two weeks, the plants will be tall enough to cut them with scissors, that way they can still grow up and give you more. Try to plant a full small onion too, have it grow and trim the green stem to add it to your dishes.
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
9. Start a Bujo project

Wait, what? Althought it really sounds like a Stephen King character, Bujo stands as an acronym for Bullet Journal. Bullet Journaling it’s, at its basic form, a way to plan your day/week/month with bullet listings and also a way to keep down a record of the things you are achieving. Do it during your lockdown to track your food, your mood, and put some things in perspective… Bullet Journaling has expanded its craft and there is a huge community devoted to make awesome and crafty things with their journals. It’s worth to check out just for inspiration…
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
10. Streching and yoga

Yeah, yeah, we know it, I know it… You are so sick of Instagram posts where people suddenly become illuminated by practising yoga, out of the blue a lot of people becomes an evangelist for no apparent reason at all, and becomes vegan, budist, signs up for PETA… for as long as the trend suits for them. BUT for normal people Yoga can be a useful tool to get through these days, I mean, yoga can be painful, and tiring, but if you take it easy and do it with no aim but to strech a littleeeee bit everyday it can really make a difference for you…
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
11. Dress Up

It’s easy to fall down in the sweatpants spiral, but you can reach for some level of dignity dressing up like you would do to go to work. You can even put some make up on and brush your hair in a fancy hairdo. Once you’ll see on the mirror you will find out that having a good look improves your mood greatly. If you are feeling extra fancy you could shave yourself, beard, legs or whatever…
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
12. Online party. Seriously

Yeah, we already had our dose of Zoom, Skype, Whatsapp or whatever videomeetings you did these past days, but, did you have your pants on? glam your life and dignity while partying online with your friends, dust off your cocktail shaker and wine glasses and charm yourselves while Facetiming your best looks. You can even try to dj with an Spotify Playlist for everyone to listen! and don’t give the chance to the people you love to see you like Donald Duck.
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
13. Spa time

You should, already, know reading through our list, that loving yourself first is the bee’s knees of our philosophy, so it is a good time to light up some candles, and having a relaxing time in your bathroom, you could use some bath salts, and that body lotion you always keep without use because it’s too expensive. Some drugstores and shops still deliver bath luxuries, you can take a shot and order, but please, remember to tip well you delivery man. Meanwhile relax yourself, even if you don’t have a bath tub, just take a longer shower full of steam to open your pores and sunk it in beauty treats.
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
14. Build a pillow fortress

Bring back your inner child and grab a lot of linens, comfy duvets and some christmas lights and a broom and put up a tent in the middle of your living room. Fill it up with pillows and some books, and you are ready to spend your day in a cozy nook, and just think about your kids if you are a parent!, maybe you can keep them distracted for 15 minutes… Yeah, you wish it was 15 minutes, but maybe it can be 5…
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
15. Make a photolog of yourself, your food, the way you dress

You could think this is a bit egocentric, but nevermind!, sometimes focusing on yourself gives back. Keep a record of anything related to you, your looks every day, what did you eat, your window… It’s a way of keeping up creativity and make an easy routine you can follow without so much hassle. Also can help you to hold dignity standards.
(*Check the end of the post for resources!)
16. Extra, do something for the others

I Know, We said 15 things but, this is the most important one.
Among all the things: Be KIND, with yourself and the others. Help someone elder in your neighbourhood, don’t go out of your home unless is totally necessary, share your stash of masks or gloves or whatever you have in hand with health staff, cashiers, deliver guys… whoever it may need it, checkout any volunteer program, you can help a lot just doing a bit…
- Sourdough recipe: https://food52.com/recipes/80565-table-loaf
- Apartment therapy Cure: https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/collection/the-january-cure
- Free Online Workouts: https://trainandfit.pro/5-free-online-workouts-to-spend-your-time-at-home/
- Discover your next book: https://www.goodreads.com/
- Find a new recipe by looking at photos: https://foodgawker.com/
- Videogames to play during the lockdown: https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/29/weekend-hot-topic-part-2-video-games-play-lockdown-12469294/
- Videogames to sweat: https://www.thegamer.com/fitness-video-games-active-exercise-gaming/
- Start to sprout now! (no sunshine required):https://food52.com/blog/12637-how-to-sprout-your-own-grains-beans-seeds-no-sunshine-required
- Bullet journaling easy: https://bulletjournal.com/pages/learn
- Bikram Yoga: https://trainandfit.pro/reasons-to-sweat-it-out-with-bikram-yoga/
- Dress up but also keep track of your closet: https://verilymag.com/2017/03/closet-organization-apps-for-your-wardrobe
- Regarding online partying Zoom is trending now: https://zoom.us/
- Start your spa with homemade masks: https://revistacachet.com/en/homemade-masks-to-treat-yourself-in-confinement/
- Regarding everything cute Pinterest it’s clearly a choice: https://www.pinterest.es/notshyjustchey/epic-pillow-fort/
- If you don’t have an instagram account yet, well: https://www.instagram.com/