Last Thursday, an American woman posted on her Facebook page a video that had been taken with her home security camera. In it appears a strange, unidentified creature which doesn’t seem to be fully human. People are starting to claim the unusual creature is Dobby, the elf from the “Harry Potter” movies.
Strange recordings on Sunday morning
Vivian Gomez, the original post’s publisher, assures that as she woke up on Sunday morning, she felt like watching the videos her security cameras had been recording. As she did, she suddenly came upon an unkown, weird, tiny creature in one of them.
The women shares the video with the objective of finding out who or what this creature is. “First, I saw the shadow walking from my front door, then I saw this thing…”, she stated. “Has anyone else seen this on their cameras?“
Reaching out
Vivian Gomez hopes for someone else to confirm having seen such a thing in their own recordings. However, from three cameras she had put up, only one of them was able to capture the tiny Dobby.
Since the publishing of the video merely a couple of days ago, the odd images have already become viral, with over 7 million views on Facebook. It has also become widely extended throughout Twitter, raising a whole bunch of theories on what it could be.
Tbh this dobby situation is gonna end up being a YouTube video “HOW WE MADE ANOTHER FAKE VIRAL SENSATION”.
— Myth (@TSM_Myth) 9 de junio de 2019
This entire situation smells like the work of those Justin Beiber burrito bite people ? stay woke.
Dobby or Drunk Alien? #whatthehell
— Pops & Clicks (@ClickPops) 9 de junio de 2019
The theories behind the strange creature
From it being a child, a doll or even an alien, to people who believe they are just manipulated images, many theories have risen as a consequence to this unbelievable video.
Other people even believe they are real images and that it really was Dobby the elf. Another widespread theory is that it was just part of a promotion campaign for the new game “Wizards Unite”.